St. Joseph’s Primary School is a Deis, Urban Band 2 School of an administrative principal, 9 class teachers, 1 ASD class teacher, 4 full time SET teachers, 1 shared SET teacher shared with St. Colmcille’s & 1 Principal Release Day Cluster Post. We are lucky enough to have a Home School Community Liaison officer shared with St. Colmcille’s Primary School. DEIS status also allows access to a School Completion Coordinator and subsequently project workers. We also have 5 SNA’s, a school secretary and a school caretaker & cleaner.
There are 178 pupils currently on our roll.
After Schools Club
We also offer an After Schools club between 1.35pm-2.35pm , Junior homework & Senior homework club. Pupils can avail of free hot school lunches every day for the entire year!
Promoting Healthy Bodies and Minds
At St. Joseph’s we promote health both physically & mentally. To this end, we are an Active School and a Health Promoting School. The last Thursday of every month is dedicated to family. Pupils are requested to spend time with their family- either by eating a meal together or doing an activity together. Evidence of same via photos / drawings are submitted to the school. Healthy eating and physical activity too plays a huge part in the daily lives of pupils. Some of the initiatives used include:
- Drop Everything and Dance! (D.E.A.D.)
- Busy Breaks
- Basketball
- Athletics
- Volleyball
- Football
- Soccer
- Camogie
- Swimming
- WOW (Walk on Wednesdays) / SOW (Scoot on Wednesdays)
- Sponsored Walks
- Go Noodle (on wet days)
- Skipping workshops
- Step it Up Challenge
- A dedicated “Be Active” week to experience new physical activities
- Designated 1km route around the school
Protecting the Environment
We also pride ourselves as a Green school. Our Green School Programme is also an integral part of the curriculum. We have to date secured Green Flags on the following themes:
- Waste Management
- Energy Conservation
- Green Home Water
- Travel
- Biodiversity
- Global Citizenship
- Marine
Each area is thoroughly explored with the school community and every possible opportunity is taken to link in with the wider community. The nature and content of each theme has become deeply embedded in the culture of our school over the past ten years.
We still find time to have a school library, computer room, school choir, school traditional group, creative dance and céilí, responsibility for vegetable beds and knitting, not to mention the school curriculum!